štvrtok 22. septembra 2011

Extra Large Screens Supported

Today I uploaded new version of Test Your English Vocabulary (v1.05) with added support for extra large screens (some tablets, or may be TV-screens).

Here are some screenshots:

štvrtok 15. septembra 2011

Test Your English Vocabulary

Download  Test Your English Vocabulary at Android Market.

Application Description

Your English vocabulary personal trainer.

Do you want to test and improve your English vocabulary?
Are you preparing for TOEIC, TOEFL, GMAT, SAT, GRE, MCAT, PCAT or ASVAB exam?
If you want to score high, you need an extensive vocabulary. The dictionary in this app includes:

  • TOEIC (3420 words)  
  • TOEFL (600 words) 
  • GMAT (1400 words) 
  • SAT (5000 words) 
  • GRE (3750 words) 
  • MCAT (1230 words)
  • PCAT (1190 words) 
  • ASVAB (300 words)
For each word you will find a correct pronunciation (via your Android device) and translation to your mother language (via Google Translate - requires an internet connection, but only a little data).
This application will help you learn essential vocabulary. You can test and improve your knowledge in two ways: You can either match words with their meanings or meanings with their words. Every test contains 10 questions and each question has 4 answer options. You have to select the correct answer. In the end of each test you can check your answers.

During your study you can relax and still stay in touch with English language. Play some word games, like Anagram, CodeWord, Millionaire, Puzzle or Stop Word.
Good luck!
Martin K.

Application Screenshots